Build the reputation
Branding is building your reputation as business entity
As reputation comes with respect and trustworthiness, so it is not a one day game. Similarly, branding is not something one actually can buy, any business needs to earn it. This is an image that one business entity built with time. So what about the new brands? For any new business be a brand is necessary and making any mistake can permanently damage the image. So patience is the key in this journey. We are here with new businesses in their journey.
We Are Experienced In
- Branding Management
- Brand Voice
- Brand Tone
- Brand Identity
- Brand Slogan
- Brand Tagline
- Brand Mission
- Brand Social Values
- Brand Image Build Up
- Business Names
FAQ's Related To Branding Services
Brand Voice generally means the style and persona that brand typically stand for. The brand voice remains same as it builds the core values, mission, vision, etc. It personifies the brand overall.
Brand tone is the voice and mode any brand communicated with others. This tone can be different in different situations with different people. It identifies as a characteristics of that brand.
The terms slogan and tagline are often mixed up. Not everyone agrees on the difference. According to marketing experts Hubspot, a slogan is like a “mini mission statement” for your brand. Slogans are usually attached to particular marketing campaigns. Taglines are an integral part of your brand and are often seen next to the company logo. Like slogans, taglines are often short and memorable. Since taglines are part of a company’s branding, they are used for much longer than slogans.
The logo is a brand identity. If you look at any of the big brands logos all are unique and represents their respective brands more than anything. So for your brand identity choose logo considering three factors
- Logo should be unique and attractive
- Logo should be simple, easy to remember
- It should carry the values, mission, vision of the brand